Marriage and Match Making : As per Vedic Astrology when it comes to marriage, Match making is assumed to be of great importance. Planetary compatibility is also checked along with doshas in compatibility.
Planetary Influence (Dasha) Report : This report will instantly tell you the Major planet controlling your life as well as the minor planet.
Mantra : WE shall give you the most appropriate Mantra for the Major and Minor Planet controlling your life and chant that mantra as prescribed.
Planetary Pujas & Yagnas : We also help you identify which planets are causing your problems and perform Planetary pujas & yagnas by offering the planets light, flowers, incense, coconut and a bell chime through which the planets become benign and begin to favor you.
Gemstone Report : We recommend Gemstones which will remove your obstacles and speed up your progress in career and ensures good health.