Friday, 26 April 2013


Astrology and Marriage

For determination of time of marriage we have to see under what classification the individual falls. In olden days the girls were married off at a tender age of 12 – 14 years of age. But in today’s context the early marriage classification has changed and  it may be classified as follows:
 1. Early Marriage – Before 22 years
 2. Normal Marriage – 23 to 26 years
 3. Late Marriage – 27 to 30 years
 4. Delayed Marriage – 31 to 33 years
 5. Denial of Marriage –34 years & beyond

 Early Marriage

 1. Venus in Lagna/ 7th house
 2. Venus in own house /exalted, 7th Lord in a benefic sign
 3. Venus + Mars combination in 7th house
 4. Lagna Lord in 7th and 7th Lord in Kendra
 5. Lagna Lord + 7th Lord in Lagna
 6. Venus in 6th house with either Sun or Mars.
 7. Lagna Lord closer to 7th House

 Normal Marriage

 1. The Lagna / Lagna Lord, 7th House / 7th Lord, Venus & Moon should be clear of malefic
 2. Venus & 7th Lord occupy good Navamsha sign.

 Late Marriage

 1. Saturn in Lagna / 7th House.
 2. Saturn aspect on Lagna / 7th House /Lagna Lord / 7th Lord
 3. Saturn influence on Venus/Rahu/Moon
 4. Venus occupying Mars /Saturn Navamsha.

 Delayed Marriage

 1. Saturn + Mars in Lagna / 7th House or their influence on 
     Lagna Lord / 7th Lord and Lagna & 7th House.
 2. Venus and Moon afflicted by Saturn and Mars
 3. 7th House / 7th Lord afflicted with malefics without any 
    benefic aspect.
 4. Venus in Papakartari Yoga
 5. Venus in 8th House

 Denial of Marriage

 1. Venus in 8th House with Mercury / Saturn
 2. Venus debilitated both in Rashi & Navamsha.
 3. Lagna /7th House and their Lords in fixed signs & Moon in  
     moveable sign.
 4. Venus combust, debilitated and in Papakartari Yoga
 5. Malefics in Lagna, 7th &12th House with waning Moon in 5th
 6. Affliction of 2nd / 7th House and planets posited in fixed signs.
 7. Lagna Lord, 7th Lord and Venus posited in Saturn Navamsha.
 8. Natural Karakas for marriage, namely, Venus, Moon & Rahu 
     are all highly afflicted.

 MARRIAGE    Dasha & Bhukti

 The individual (during marriageable age) may get married during following conditions.
 Dasha of 7th Lord, planets occupying 7th house, planets
  aspecting 7th house
 Dasha of dispositor of 7th Lord, Lord of Navamsha occupied by 
  7th Lord
 Dasha of natural karakas, namely, Venus, Rahu & Moon
 Dasha of Lagna Lord and Bhukti of 7th Lord.
 Dasha / Bhukti of 2nd Lord
 Dasha of planets with 7th Lord / aspecting 7th Lord


 Add Longitude of Lagna Lord and 7th Lord. When Jupiter transits
 this point / its trine/7th from it, marriage is likely.
 Add Longitudes of Janma Nakshatra Lord and 7th Lord. When J
 upiter transits this point /its trine, marriage is likely.
 Jupiter transits / aspects the Rashi occupied by Navamsha
 dispositor of Lagna Lord.
 Lagna Lord transit of 7th House
 Male gets married when Jupiter transits natal Venus or its
 dispositor or their trines.
 Female gets married when Venus transits natal Mars or its
  dispositor or their trines.
 Astakavarga system gives many transits indicating marriage.

Double Transit Method

Many modern astrologers have done research, notably Sri. KN Rao, who have formulated a theory that marriage can be predicted using the transit of two important planets namely, Saturn and Jupiter, supplemented by transits of Mars and Moon to narrow the window of marriage. We all know that nothing good in life can take place without the blessings of Jupiter and Saturn and marriage is one such event. The conditions postulated are as follows:
 Transit Saturn should aspect Lagna Lord and / or 7th House
 Transit Jupiter should aspect 7th Lord and / or Lagna


Sunday, 14 April 2013

Astrological Remedies


Yantra should be frequently energized with the appropriate Mantras. They must be cleaned and empowered periodically like gemstones by the user. Yantras are less expensive than gemstones. They can be more effective than gems if meditated upon with mantras. They possesses no side/harmful effects.

A mantra is composed of psychically potent sound syllables that are capable of influencing the human system both physically and spiritually. They can excite the emotions and give suggestion to the mind. They influence both the one who chants them and the one hears them. The word mantra comes from the Sanskrit word Mantrana, which means advice or suggestions. According to the Upanishads, the original abode of the mantra was the "Parma Akesh" or primeval ether, the eternal and immutable substratum of the universe.

Vaastu Therapy
"Vaastu" translates to building. It may mean habitat. The building stands upon the earth and as such this makes it a permanent fixture perpetually subject to the rays of the sun upon it in a certain manner. The study of Vaastu is a systematic science that deals with the geological impact of this planet upon earth.

Articles of Faith & Devotion
Articles of faith and Devotion are simple items that elevate the human mind above the level of commotion of the world. There is great peace in calling and calling itself builds confidence to pursue the path of devotion to a larger degree.

Gem Therapy
Each astrological planet is associated with a particular gems. The Bhashma of Gems (powder extract) is extensively used in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties. For astrological purposes, the gem is embedded in the ring or pendant in such a manner that the bottom is open, allowing the gemstone to touch the body (Diamond being an exception). Varahmihir, the author of ancient astrological text, Brihat Samhita, suggests that a gem having a good luster, pure and clear-color and without flaws ensures good luck and protection.

Yoga and its different poses (asana)
Yoga practice is not a substitute for medical care. The emphasis is on prevention of illness by maintaining balance within the mind and body. Still, many practitioners believe that yoga has yielded positive physiological changes for them. For example, studies have shown that Yoga practice has been credited with easing of complaints including back pain, stress, migraine, and insomnia.

Vedic Rituals
Each planet has its representative deity and its specific form. Each deity has a certain color, particular appearance, a unique vehicle (the animal it rides, signifying its underlining power). All the planetary deities are regarded as male. This is because all the signs and constellation are regarded as female.

Saturday, 13 April 2013


Love Marriages

“Marriages are made in heaven” is a popular saying. It is supposed to be prewritten in your life. That means your perfect partner has already been fixed for you and you will find him or her. At least that’s what the old saying means. Every boy or girl wants to know if he or she will have love marriage or arranged marriage, which is not difficult to predict from the birth chart. 

Love marriages are not uncommon in India. However they were looked down upon by the society.  The fifth house in your horoscope represents love, while the seventh house represents  spouse. A good love marriage union depends on the third house and the fifth house in a person’s birth-chart. So a link between the lords of both the 5th house and 7th    Houses can indicate a love marriage. If you do have a love marriage with such an astrological combination, the marriage could also be completely stable too, especially when Jupiter aspects the above planetary configuration, the marriage  can be  much better.

Planetary influences are of great importancein deciding the future of your love marriage. For example, Mars-Venus, Moon-Venus, Venus-Uranus, Venus-Neptune combinations are very good for love marriages resulting in stable relationships. Rahu's presence in the 7th house is indicative of Inter-caste marraiges. The affliction of 2, 7 and 8 houses especially by rahu-mars, shani-ketu or  sun-mars  are indicative of troubles in married life because of their separative effects.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Manglik Dosha Consideration

MANGLIK DOSHA  is considered to be one of the major factors, which needs to be taken care of while matching the charts of a boy and girl. It can make or mar the relationship between prospective couples. Ione should know a few things about manglik dosha. One thing people should bear in mind is that they cannot depend on the computer generated compatibility table, which may be sometimes erroneous, especially when it comes to manglik dosha analysis. It is always advisable to seek the expert advice of a qualified astrologer. One cannot afford to reject a good match, based on computer software for match-making.

Mars is a fiery planet. It causes a dosha when mars is placed in 2, 4, 7, 8 or 12 house from lagna, rasi or venus in the natal chart. In that case it tends to burn the relationship between a husband and wife; causing rift, tensions and in some cases death of  spouse. In any case, I believe that a lot of importance should not be given to Mars alone. Rahu/Ketu and Saturn should also be judged while matching charts.  However, we should not forget that are a number of other things which should be ascertained to know the strength of the dosha.
  1. No Dosha for Leo and Aquarius signs and/or Lagnas,
  2. No Dosha when Mars is in 2nd house, in the signs of Gemini and Virgo,
  3. No Dosha when Mars is in 4th house, in the signs of Aries and Scorpio,
  4. No Dosha when Mars is in 7th house, in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn,
  5. No Dosha when Mars is in 8th house, in the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces signs
  6. No Dosha when Mars is in 12th house, in the signs of Taurus and Libra
Apart from what is mentioned above,  the following
  1. Association of Mars with Jupiter and Saturn in certain cases cancels the dosha
  2. Retrograde mars does not cause dosha.
  3. A weak mars (e.g. combust, situated near rashi sandhi) loses ability to cause dosha.
  4. Jupiter's aspect on Mars neutralizes the dosha, too.
When you consider all these things, we can safely say there are three types:

·                        Some are 100% manglik
·                        Some are 100% non-manglik ( No manglik dosha at all)
·                       Some are just 50% manglik (because of the cancellation of the dosha)

The kundli of a girl with 100% manglik dosha should be matched with a boy having 100% manglik doshaSimilarly the kundli of a girl with no dosha 100 should be matched with a boy who is non- manglik and a  girls with manglik dosha offset in her chart should be matched with the chart of a boy whose manglik dosh is also cancelled. In addition to the above, the position of other planets should also be taken into consideration.