Sunday, 14 April 2013

Astrological Remedies


Yantra should be frequently energized with the appropriate Mantras. They must be cleaned and empowered periodically like gemstones by the user. Yantras are less expensive than gemstones. They can be more effective than gems if meditated upon with mantras. They possesses no side/harmful effects.

A mantra is composed of psychically potent sound syllables that are capable of influencing the human system both physically and spiritually. They can excite the emotions and give suggestion to the mind. They influence both the one who chants them and the one hears them. The word mantra comes from the Sanskrit word Mantrana, which means advice or suggestions. According to the Upanishads, the original abode of the mantra was the "Parma Akesh" or primeval ether, the eternal and immutable substratum of the universe.

Vaastu Therapy
"Vaastu" translates to building. It may mean habitat. The building stands upon the earth and as such this makes it a permanent fixture perpetually subject to the rays of the sun upon it in a certain manner. The study of Vaastu is a systematic science that deals with the geological impact of this planet upon earth.

Articles of Faith & Devotion
Articles of faith and Devotion are simple items that elevate the human mind above the level of commotion of the world. There is great peace in calling and calling itself builds confidence to pursue the path of devotion to a larger degree.

Gem Therapy
Each astrological planet is associated with a particular gems. The Bhashma of Gems (powder extract) is extensively used in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties. For astrological purposes, the gem is embedded in the ring or pendant in such a manner that the bottom is open, allowing the gemstone to touch the body (Diamond being an exception). Varahmihir, the author of ancient astrological text, Brihat Samhita, suggests that a gem having a good luster, pure and clear-color and without flaws ensures good luck and protection.

Yoga and its different poses (asana)
Yoga practice is not a substitute for medical care. The emphasis is on prevention of illness by maintaining balance within the mind and body. Still, many practitioners believe that yoga has yielded positive physiological changes for them. For example, studies have shown that Yoga practice has been credited with easing of complaints including back pain, stress, migraine, and insomnia.

Vedic Rituals
Each planet has its representative deity and its specific form. Each deity has a certain color, particular appearance, a unique vehicle (the animal it rides, signifying its underlining power). All the planetary deities are regarded as male. This is because all the signs and constellation are regarded as female.

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