Thursday, 6 June 2013

The people born in this sign are generally honest, truthful, compassionate and kind in nature. They are sociable and friendly. They are helpful. They are generally inclined to spiritualism and they work as professors. They are social workers. They are clean hearted too. They love their kids and take care of them very well. They are loving mothers and are very much attached to the family. 
If lagna falls in  the fourth charan of punarvasu nakshatra, the lagna becomes vargotama in D-9 chart. Therefore gets good strength and native enjoys full life span and gets name and fame in life.  In addition to this,  if  Jupiter is strong  by being in own or exalted sign , it gives rise to a Raja Yoga and the native enjoys all types of good luck.
If lagna is in the nakshatra of shani, i.e. Pushya, and shani being the lord of 7 and 8th  houses, his occupation of 4h house in exaltation gives rise to sasa yoga which makes him popular among people and his workers.

If lagna falls in Mercury’s  nakshatra of Ashlesha,  mercury being the lord of 3-12 houses, the native goes abroad and makes good fortune there, if mercury  is placed in his own sign.

Physical Features:
Short statured, but  well shaped body, round face, less fair in complexion.

They are impatient and keep changing their mind. They are selfish and irritable and short tempered.
Conjunction of Saturn and Gulika in Aeries , Gemini or Leo gives stammering.

Likely Diseases:
Abdominal disorders, Kidney Stones, Jaundice, Epilepsy, Lungs related ailments, mental disorders, Indigestion, Sinus , Cough and cold

Yoga Giving Planets:
  • Mars being lord of 5-10 houses.
  • Jupiter being 6-9 lord.
  • Moon being lagnesh

Yoga giving Period:
  • First half of  Saturn maha dasha .
  • In the maha dasha of Venus, the sub periods of moon, mercury, mars .
  • In the maha dasha of moon, the sub periods of Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and moon.
  • In the maha dasha of mars , the sub periods of Jupiter , mercury, Saturn and moon
  • In the major period of Jupiter,  the sub periods of  moon, mars, Saturn and rahu.
  • In the maha dasha of rahu, the sub periods of Venus, Jupiter  and mercury.
  • In the ketu maha dasha, the sub periods of Jupiter , mars and moon will produce good results.

Other  yoga giving  planets:
  • Conjunction of Mercury and Sun in Aeries, Leo, Cancer  and Virgo with benefic  association ensures wealth name and fame and good family
  • Conjunction of Jupiter and moon, or the mutual aspects between Jupiter and moon.
  • Moon  in its own sign or sign of exaltation,  receiving the aspect of Jupiter.
  • Conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in Gemini or Virgo ensure higher education.

Govt. Service:
  • Jupiter in Sagittarius or Pisces and Venus in Cancer, Mercury in conjunction with sun in either Gemini or Virgo—high ranking post in Govt.
  • Lord of lagna moon and lord of 2nd house sun conjunct in Taurus (11th house)
  • Conjunction of Mercury and Sun in Leo, Sagittarius, Aeries or in Capricorn (2,6,7 or10) receiving the aspect of Jupiter—higher education and higher post.

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